Thursday, 16 February 2012

Tagging . . .

Ok, So I've been tagged again . . . By . . . Mr Bonafide Jones
As I've been tagged before, 
I won't type the rules out or pick eleven peeps,
I'll just answer his (somewhat difficult) questions as best I can lol ^__^
enjoy x
Here Goes . . . 

1) Have you ever cheated on someone?

2) What do you think happens when we die?
You die, but this has always played on my mind, 'How long will the earth go on for after we do die'?

3) If male, are you happy with the size of your penis? If female do you think you are pretty?
I'd say 'ish', kinda average looking :((( But i'm happy & work it haha, so i'm cool :)))

4) Stars. Old light or new?
Old, very very old

5. For a million dollars would you kill another person? They aren't really that important and you will not get caught.
This is tough, depends on the person, cause some people, I wouldn't need paying, but i'd say like a lot of things in life, for the right price, anything is possible, but I want more than a million to do it, then we can talk business.

6) As a rule, should all religions be treated/respected equally?
I think all religion should be banned, it's got too much to answer for, too much happens in our life & it all comes back to religion.

7) Think of something embarrassing that you did that makes you cringe every time it crosses your mind. What is it?
(A certain someone will know what this is) looool ^____^

8) If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you want to visit today? It doesn't matter whether or not they want would want to see you.
Can't answer this, there is more than 1 person i'd want to see, so I would spread the time over the day with them.

9) Would you rather lose all your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
This is another really really hard one, I have a lot of awesome memories from my 33 years on this planet, but I also have, I hope, a lot of years left to make new ones. If I lose all my memories, I wouldn't know they'd gone would I, so I wouldn't really miss them, I'd just be making new ones every day.

10) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like and like so many things we don't do?
I think, a lot of things we do in life are necessity rather than choice, we do them cause we have to, & the fact that people don't do things they like is personal choice, I know I do, there's things I'd like to do too, but just don't get round to it, I do however, do the things I like that are important to me.

11) If Hollywood made a movie about your life, what actor do you think would be cast to play you?
I would have to go with Angelina Jolie, 
She has a body to die for (I want it) She's brunette (although black in the pic below lol) She's hot as & she's Lara Croft god damn it!!! 
What more could a girl ask for . . . 

Hope these answers are satisfactory for you Mr Jones lol


  1. Hahaha, what the hell. Question 3? Funny how the size of the male's penis is compared with the beauty of the female's

    1. Hehe, I know. when I read it, I was thinking something about tits or arse was gonna pop up, which I don't have any problem answering, but 'Are you pretty" ummmm, tough one lol

  2. Nice! If there would be a movie about my life, I`d like Angelina to play my sexy wife, I have not yet met but hopefully will meet in the future, because they look so alike.

    1. Like it, your ideal woman is Angelina, good good taste there :))

  3. Mannn you answered your Q's way better then I did! Good stuff.

    1. Awwww thanks, will have to pop over to your blog and check yours out now :))

  4. Great answers and fat lips Jolie huh. While I'm sure if it would help her adopt another kid she'd do it..haha

    1. Loooool, I'm all about what she looks like, the body mainly, I want it for mine hehe :))))

  5. I like your answers. It seems as if everyone would want more than a million to kill. I guess a million dollars is not the sum it used to be.

    1. Thanks :)))) & yeah, like I said . . . If the price is right . . . Hell Yeah!!!! Don't get me wrong, a million dollars is a fuck load of money, a million pounds is even more haha (which is my currency) But you're right, it's not what it used to be

  6. I have to agree with you on number 6! Ooh, Angie and I have the same hairdo, only mine's cinnamon brown! By-the-by, you definitely don't look your age, baby face! :)

    1. Bloody religion hey, & ange & I have the same hir do too, only at the moment mine is violet, not quite black :))))) & thank you very much, I like being baby faced :))))))

    2. Do publish pictures of your violet hair! :)

    3. Hehe, might do, bit camera shy though :))

    4. No need. If I was as cute as you, I'd publish heaps of pics! :)

  7. I hate to say this but I read a lot of blog and few entertain me and make me laugh out loud like you do.

    1. Awww thanks very much, nice compliment right there, hope they keep you lol'ing hehe

  8. Love what you did with the questions!! I answered mines today :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

    1. Aww thanks huni, i'll pop over to you now & check them out & cheers i'm having a quiet weekend :)) Just how I like it

  9. He had some tough questions indeed.

    1. God I know right, talk about head fuck hehe

  10. Dear Ms. Dani,

    Congratulations, you have have won an award! For more information, click here:

    Kind regards,
    Barefoot Girl! :)

  11. Replies
    1. Hey :)) I'm good, just been very slack on here, how's you doing huni?

    2. Ah, so glad to hear it. Been busy this side too. Feeling OK, just need more sleep. Don't we all, hey?! Gonna check out your new post! :)
