Sunday, 22 January 2012

Kill Bill Part 2

So, i've done Part 1, now time for part 2 . . . 
Can you tell i'm having a lazy day today 
& have loads of free time hehe

Right peeps, this film sees our No: 1 girl 'The Bride' having already marked 2 people off her Death list, go in search for the other 3 on her list, 
Budd (Bills Brother), Elle, and Bill, the latter however, does possess one thing that keeps all the balls in his court . . . The daughter the Bride thought she had lost in her coma. Now, The Bride knows one thing and one thing only,
in the end, she will . . . Kill Bill.

First off she goes in search for Budd, but as things progress, it goes wrong, being the super woman that she is, it comes right again, and she comes face to face with Elle, the showdown these 2 have is quite simply . . . 
Fricking brilliant.

She then goes in search for Bill, but when she finds him, there's a sting in the tail, I won't ruin it, in case some of you haven't seen it, but let's just say, the whole sequence with her & Bill is very well done.

This, out of the 2 is my fav, not by far, it's very close, but this just pips it.

Here's a bit of the soundtrack & a few clips :))) 
Enjoy guys x

My Fav song from the soundtrack

This is the end of the fight scene & possibly THE
best scene in a film hehe


  1. Loved the movie back in the days, might watch it again!

    1. You should, i did the other day & it was like a breath of fresh air lol

  2. Havent watched part 1, havent watched part 2 ;D

    1. You mean you haven't downloaded them yet??? hehe ;p

  3. Great movie. The eye-plucking scene made me wince (any other type of disfigurement I'm unaffected by, but when it comes to eyes...)

    1. Hehe bless, I love that bit, one of the best :))

  4. I liked them both, but found I could take them or leave them for the most part

    1. My mate was like that, she liked them, but no too too fussed :)

  5. I love both volumes of Kill Bill. Definitely a bigger fan of the first though. Both of them have awesome music, awesome fight choreography, and plenty of juicy blood spatter. :D

    1. Yaaay for the juicy blood splatter & I like the link to Manga films thrown in too, quality film :)

  6. Kill bill is definitely one of the better films of the last decade. the second was probably my favorite, but the only beats the first out by a sliver.

    1. Same, don't know what it is about the second one, but it just pips it for me too :)

  7. It didn't do much for me, but I always seem to be in the minority on these things.

    1. No no, each to their own :) you & I just don't have the same tastes
